Journal Articles
“Klangfarbenmelodie, Chromophony, and Timbral Function in Arnold Schoenberg’s ‘Farben.’” Music Theory Online 29, no. 3 (September 2023): 29.3.8.
“Klangfarbenmelodie in 1911: Timbre’s Functional Roles in Webern’s Opp. 9 and 10.” Music Theory Online 28, no. 1 (March 2022): 28.1.9.
“Reconstructing Lost Instruments: Praetorius’s Syntagma musicum and the Violin Family c. 1619.” De musica disserenda 15, nos. 1–2 (2019): 137–58.
Book Chapters
“Klangfläche Technique: Orchestrating Melodic-Harmonic Divorce.” In The Oxford Handbook of Orchestration Studies, edited by Julie Delisle, Robert Hasegawa, Jason Noble, and Moe Touizrar. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Co-authored Journal Articles
Reymore, Lindsey, Matthew Zeller, Benjamin Duinker, Nicholas Shae, Christopher Wm. White, Leigh VanHandel, and Nicole Biamonte. “Timbre in Popular Song.” In preparation.
Shae, Nicholas, Lindsey Reymore, Christopher Wm. White, Benjamin Duinker, Leigh VanHandel, Matthew Zeller, and Nicole Biamonte. “Diversity in Music Corpus Studies.” Music Theory Online 30, no. 1 (February 2024): 30.1.8.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
“Klangfarbenmelodie in 1911: Anton Webern’s Opp. 9 and 10.” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2020), edited by A. Zacharakis, C. Saitis, K. Siedenburg, 149–52. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University, 2020.
Dissertation and Thesis
“Planal Analysis and the Emancipation of Timbre: Klangfarbenmelodie and Timbral Function in Mahler, Schoenberg, and Webern.” PhD dissertation, Duke University, 2020.
“The Violin-Family Designs of Andrea Amati: Reconstructing the Original Outlines of the King Cello and Propugnaculo Viola.” MM thesis, University of South Dakota, 2014.
Proquest’s 25 Most-Accessed Dissertations and Theses; December, 2016.
Other Articles
“The King Is in the Details: Recreating the Lost Decorations.” Of Note, Metropolitan Museum of Art, August 2015.
“Deconstructing the King.” The Strad, June 2015, 24–31.
“Unweaving the Rainbow.” The Strad, April 2014, 42–47.
Technical Drawings
Violoncello by Andrea Amati, the King. Supplement to The Strad, June 2015.
Anonymous Viola Bow. National Music Museum, 2014.
Recorder by Jan Juriaesnz van Heerde. National Music Museum, 2014.