Question 1. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The singer is Suzanne’s lover. They do not have a monogamous relationship, rather they offer each other free love, compassion, and friendship.
Suzanne is a type of spiritual guide to the singer, but they do not have a sexual relationship.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 2a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 2b: Please elaborate on Question 2a.
Question 3. Had you formed a narrative interpretation of Song 1 before today?
Question 4. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The singer left his pregnant fiancée at the altar. He now feels guilty, knowing that he hurt her.
The singer’s fiancée had an abortion without his knowledge. They did not get married. The singer empathizes with the hurt feelings of his ex-fiancée, but he also feels victimized.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 5a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 5b. Please elaborate on Question 5a.
Question 6. Had you formed a narrative interpretation of Song 2 before today?
Question 7. This is the beginning of a song. What do you think the song will be about as it unfolds; which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
A drug addict struggles with dependence. He knows that he is hurting himself, but he continues to do so. His pain is the torment of addiction.
An old man reflects on the way he has lived his life. His pain is the anguish of regret.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 8a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 8b. Please elaborate on Question 8a.
Question 9. This excerpt is from the middle of the song. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
“My sweetest friend” is the drug. The temporary pleasure of drug use is likened to false hope.
“My sweetest friend” is the old man’s loved one. The man reflects on loss, disappointment, and the pain he causes/d.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 10a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 10b. Please elaborate on Question 10a.
Question 11. This is an excerpt from the end of the song. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
To the drug addict, “myself” represents the person he was before addiction.
To the old man, “myself” represents the better version of himself that his loved one saw in him.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 12a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 12b. Please elaborate on Question 12a.
Question 13. Had you formed a narrative interpretation of Song 3 before today?
Question 14. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The “sound of silence” represents stillness or quietness. The excerpt is a meditation on peace.
The “sound of silence” represents social apathy. The excerpt is about the status quo remaining unchallenged.
Neither, I interpret "sound of silence" differently.
Question 15a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 15b. Please elaborate on Quesiton 15a.
Question 16. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The “wells of silence” represents death.
The “wells of silence” represents the unwillingness to take socially responsible action.
Neither, I interpret "wells of silence" differently.
Question 17a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 17b. Please elaborate on Question 17a.
Question 18. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The “neon god” represents a false idol created by a commercial/materialist society.
The “neon god” represents enlightenment through technological development.
Neither, I interpret "neon god" differently.
Question 19a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 19b. Please elaborate on Question 19a.
Question 20. Had you formed a narrative interpretation of Song 4 before today?
Question 21. This is the beginning of a song. What do you think the song will be about as it unfolds; which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The Sinnerman is going to become a pious person. It will be a song of redemption.
The Sinnerman is going to manipulate the situation to his advantage. It will be a song of damnation.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 22a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 22b. Please elaborate on Question 22a.
Question 23. This is an excerpt from the middle of the song. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
The Sinnerman seeks the rock’s (i.e. God’s) protection and is distraught not to receive it.
The Sinnerman is angry at the rock (i.e. God) for not protecting him.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 24a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 24b. Please elaborate on Question 24a.
Question 25. This is an excerpt from the end of the song. Which narrative interpretation of this excerpt do agree with? (Select only one option)
After the Sinnerman’s rejection by God he cowers in fear and turns to the Devil for protection.
After the Sinnerman’s rejection by God he embraces the Devil and relishes power.
Neither, I interpret this excerpt differently.
Question 26a. What musical features and qualities influence your interpretation and why? (Select all that apply)
Vocal timbre (tone of voice, type of voice, etc.)
Instrumental timbre (sound, sound-color, tone, type of instruments, loudness, etc.)
Rhythm/meter/tempo (pattern, beat, groove, fast/slow, etc.)
Melody/mode/harmony (melodic contour, major, minor, etc.)
Question 26b. Please elaborate on Question 26a.
Question 27. Had you formed a narrative interpretation of Song 5 before today?